Source code for database

from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import shutil
import collections
from scipy import signal, spatial
import numpy as np
import pysndfile
import pdb
import sys
import traceback
import logging
import h5py
import pitch_shift
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer

from fileops import pathops
from audiofile import AnalysedAudioFile, AudioFile
from helper import OrderedSet
import analysis.RMSAnalysis as RMSAnalysis
import analysis.AttackAnalysis as AttackAnalysis
import analysis.ZeroXAnalysis as ZeroXAnalysis
import analysis.FFTAnalysis as FFTAnalysis
import analysis.SpectralCentroidAnalysis as SpectralCentroidAnalysis
import analysis.SpectralSpreadAnalysis as SpectralSpreadAnalysis
import analysis.F0Analysis as F0Analysis
import analysis.CentroidAnalysis as CentroidAnalysis

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(logging.NullHandler())

[docs]class AudioDatabase:
""" A class for encapsulating a database of AnalysedAudioFile objects. Arguments: - audio_dir: directory containing audio files to be used as the database - db_dir: directory to be used/created for storage of analysis data and storage/linking of audio files. - analysis_list: the list of analysis strings for analyses to be used in the database. """ def __init__( self, audio_dir=None, db_dir=None, analysis_list=[], *args, **kwargs ): """ Create the folder hierachy for the database of files to be stored in. Adds any pre existing audio files and analyses to the object automatically. audio_dir: self.db_dir: analysis_list: """ self.db_dir = db_dir self.audio_dir = audio_dir self.analysis_list = analysis_list self.config = kwargs.pop("config", None) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.AudioDatabase') # Check that all analysis list args are valid valid_analyses = { 'rms', 'zerox', 'fft', 'spccntr', 'spcsprd', 'spcflux', 'spccf', 'spcflatness', 'f0', 'peak', 'centroid', 'variance', 'kurtosis', 'skewness', 'harm_ratio' } for analysis in analysis_list: if analysis not in valid_analyses: raise ValueError("\'{0}\' is not a valid analysis type".format(analysis)) # Filter out repetitions in list if they exist self.analysis_list = set(self.analysis_list)"Initialising Database...") # Create empty list to fill with audio file paths self.audio_file_list = OrderedSet() = None def __getitem__(self, key): """ Allow for entry retreival via indexing. Returns and AnalysedAudioFile object at the index provided. """ return self.analysed_audio[key] def load_database(self, reanalyse=False): """Create/Read from a pre-existing database""" subdir_paths = self.create_subdirs() if self.audio_dir: # Check that audio directory exists if not os.path.exists(self.audio_dir): raise IOError("The audio directory provided ({0}) doesn't " "exist".format(self.audio_dir)) self.organize_audio(subdir_paths, symlink=self.config.database["symlink"]) self.analyse_database(subdir_paths, reanalyse) def analyse_database(self, subdir_paths, reanalyse): """ create selected analyses for audio files in the database. Parameters: - subdir_paths: a dictionary containing paths to the 'audio' directory and 'data' directory of the database. - reanalyse: If previous analyses are found this can be set to True to overwrite them. """ # Create data file for storing analysis data for the database datapath = os.path.join(subdir_paths['data'], 'analysis_data.hdf5') try: = h5py.File(datapath, 'a') except IOError: raise IOError("Unable to create/append to file: {0}\nThis may be " "due to another instance of this program running or a " "corrupted HDF5 file.\n Make sure this is the only " "running instance and regenerate HDF5 if " "neccesary.".format(datapath)) self.analysed_audio = [] for item in self.audio_file_list: filepath = os.path.join(subdir_paths['audio'], os.path.basename(item)) # if there is no wav file then skip try: with AnalysedAudioFile( filepath, 'r',, analyses=self.analysis_list, name=os.path.basename(item), db_dir=self.db_dir, reanalyse=reanalyse, config=self.config ) as AAF: AAF.create_analysis() self.analysed_audio.append(AAF) except IOError as err: # Skip any audio file objects that can't be analysed self.logger.warning("File cannot be analysed: {0}\nReason: {1}\n" "Skipping...".format(item, err)) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) continue self.logger.debug("Analysis Finished.") def add_file(self, file_object): '''Add an AnalysedAudioFile object to the database''' if type(file_object) is AnalysedAudioFile: self.analysed_audio.add(file_object) self.audio_file_list.append(file_object.filepath) else: raise TypeError("Object {0} of type {1} cannot be added to the database".format(file_object, file_object.__class__.__name__)) def create_subdirs(self): """ Generate database folder structure at the self.db_dir location If the folder structure already exists this will be used, else a new structure will be generated. """ # If the database directory isnt specified then the directory where the # audio files are stored will be used if not self.db_dir: if not self.audio_dir: raise IOError("No database location specified. Either a " "database ocation or audio file location must be" " specified.") self.db_dir = self.audio_dir # Check to see if the database directory already exists # Create if not pathops.dir_must_exist(self.db_dir) def initialise_subdir(dirkey): """ Create a subdirectory in the database with the name of the key provided. Returns the path to the created subdirectory. """ # Make sure database subdirectory exists directory = os.path.join(self.db_dir, dirkey) try: # If it doesn't, Create it. os.mkdir(directory)''.join(("Created directory: ", directory))) except OSError as err: # If it does exist, add it's content to the database content # dictionary. if os.path.exists(directory): self.logger.warning("\'{0}\' directory already exists:" " {1}".format(dirkey, os.path.relpath(directory))) else: raise err return directory # Create a sub directory for every key in the analysis list # store reference to this in dictionary"Creating sub-directories...") directory_set = {'audio', 'data'} subdir_paths = { key: initialise_subdir(key) for key in directory_set } # Save sub-directory paths for later access self.subdirs = subdir_paths return subdir_paths def organize_audio(self, subdir_paths, symlink=True): """ Moves/symlinks any audio from the audio directory specified to the database. Parameters: - subdir_paths: A dictionary of 'audio' and 'data' sub directories of the database. - symlink: If true, symbolic links will be used for audio files rather than copying. This allows audio files to stay in there original locations. """"Moving any audio to sub directory...") valid_filetypes = {'.wav', '.aif', '.aiff'} # Move audio files to database # For all files in the audio dirctory... for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(self.audio_dir): for item in filenames: # If the file is a valid file type... item = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root,item)) if os.path.splitext(item)[1] in valid_filetypes: self.logger.debug(''.join(("File added to database content: ", item))) # Get the full path for the file filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.audio_dir, os.path.basename(item))) # If the file isn't already in the database... filename = os.path.basename(filepath) destination = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(subdir_paths["audio"], os.path.basename(filepath))) if not os.path.isfile(destination) and not os.path.lexists(destination): # Copy the file to the database if symlink: try: os.symlink(item, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(subdir_paths["audio"]), filename)) except: pass''.join(("Linked: ", item, "\tTo directory: ", subdir_paths["audio"], "\n"))) else: try: os.unlink(destination) except OSError: pass shutil.copy2(filepath, subdir_paths["audio"])''.join(("Copied: ", item, "\tTo directory: ", subdir_paths["audio"], "\n"))) else: if not symlink: try: linkpath = os.readlink(destination) os.unlink(destination) except OSError: continue shutil.copy2(linkpath, subdir_paths["audio"])''.join(("Copied: ", item, "\tTo directory: ", subdir_paths["audio"], "\n"))) else:''.join(("File: ", item, "\tAlready exists at: ", subdir_paths["audio"]))) # Add the file's path to the database content dictionary self.audio_file_list.add( os.path.join(subdir_paths["audio"], os.path.basename(item)) ) def close(self): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self): self.close()
[docs]class Matcher:
""" Database comparison object. Used to compare and match entries in two AnalysedAudioFile databases. """ def __init__(self, database1, database2, *args, **kwargs): # Get matcher configurations object self.config = kwargs.pop('config', None) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.Matcher') # Set the number of best matches for each grain to store for use in synthesis. self.match_quantity = self.config.matcher["match_quantity"] self.source_db = database1 self.target_db = database2 self.output_db = kwargs.pop("output_db", None) self.rematch = kwargs.pop("rematch", self.config.matcher["rematch"]) # Store a dictionary of analyses to perform matching on. self.analysis_dict = self.config.analysis_dict self.logger.debug("Initialised Matcher") def match( self, match_function, grain_size=None, overlap=None ): """ Find the closest match to each object in database 1 in database 2 using the matching function specified. """ if not grain_size: grain_size = self.config.matcher["grain_size"] if not overlap: overlap = self.config.matcher["overlap"] # Find all analyses shared by both the source and target entry common_analyses = self.source_db.analysis_list & self.target_db.analysis_list self.matcher_analyses = [] # Create final list of analyses to perform matching on based on # selected match analyses. for key in self.analysis_dict.iterkeys(): if key not in common_analyses: self.logger.warning("Analysis: \"{0}\" not avilable in {1} and/or {2}".format(key, self.source_db, self.target_db)) else: self.matcher_analyses.append(key) # Run matching match_function(grain_size, overlap) def count_grains(self, database, grain_length, overlap): '''Calculate the number of grains in the database''' entry_count = len(database.analysed_audio) grain_indexes = np.empty((entry_count, 2)) for ind, entry in enumerate(database.analysed_audio): length = entry.samps_to_ms(entry.frames) hop_size = grain_length / overlap grain_indexes[ind][0] = int(length / hop_size) - 1 grain_indexes[:, 1] = np.cumsum(grain_indexes[:, 0]).astype(int) grain_indexes[:, 0] = grain_indexes[:, 1] - grain_indexes[:, 0] return grain_indexes def kdtree_matcher(self, grain_size, overlap): invalid_inds = [] for i, entry in enumerate(self.target_db.analysed_audio): entry.generate_grain_times(grain_size, overlap, save_times=True) if not entry.times.size: invalid_inds.append(i) for i in sorted(invalid_inds, reverse=True): del self.target_db.analysed_audio[i] invalid_inds = [] for i, entry in enumerate(self.source_db.analysed_audio): entry.generate_grain_times(grain_size, overlap, save_times=True) if not entry.times.size: invalid_inds.append(i) for i in sorted(invalid_inds, reverse=True): del self.source_db.analysed_audio[i] # Count grains of the source database source_sample_indexes = self.count_grains(self.source_db, grain_size, overlap) try:"match") except ValueError:"Match group already exists in the {0} HDF5 file.".format(self.output_db)) if self.rematch:["match"].clear() if self.config: weightings = self.config.matcher_weightings else: weightings = {x: 1. for x in self.matcher_analyses} # Create an imputer object for handeling Nan values. imp = Imputer(axis=0, strategy='median') for tind, target_entry in enumerate(self.target_db.analysed_audio): # Check if match data already exists and use it rather than # regenerating if it does. if in["match"].keys():"Match data already exists for {0}. Using this " "data. Run with the \'--rematch\' flag to " "overwrite.".format(self.output_db)) continue # Create an array of grain times for target sample target_times = target_entry.times x_size = target_times.shape[0] match_indexes = np.empty((x_size, self.match_quantity)) match_vals = np.empty((x_size, self.match_quantity)) match_vals.fill(np.inf) # Allocate memory for target analyses. all_target_analyses = np.empty((len(self.matcher_analyses), target_times.shape[0])) for i, analysis in enumerate(self.matcher_analyses): analysis_formatting = self.analysis_dict[analysis] target_data, s = target_entry.analysis_data_grains(target_times, analysis, format=analysis_formatting) target_data *= weightings[analysis] all_target_analyses[i] = target_data nan_columns = np.all(np.isnan(all_target_analyses), axis=0) all_target_analyses[:, nan_columns] = 0. # Impute values for Nans all_target_analyses = imp.fit_transform(all_target_analyses) # all_target_analyses[np.isnan(all_target_analyses)] = np.inf for sind, source_entry in enumerate(self.source_db.analysed_audio):"K-d Tree Matching: {0} to {1}".format(, # Create an array of grain times for source sample source_times = source_entry.times if not source_times.size: continue all_source_analyses = np.empty((len(self.matcher_analyses), source_times.shape[0])) for i, analysis in enumerate(self.matcher_analyses): analysis_formatting = self.analysis_dict[analysis] source_data, s = source_entry.analysis_data_grains(source_times, analysis, format=analysis_formatting) source_data *= weightings[analysis] all_source_analyses[i] = source_data # Impute values for Nans nan_columns = np.all(np.isnan(all_source_analyses), axis=0) all_source_analyses[:, nan_columns] = 0. all_source_analyses = imp.fit_transform(all_source_analyses) # all_source_analyses[np.isnan(all_source_analyses)] = np.inf source_tree = spatial.cKDTree(all_source_analyses.T, leafsize=100) results_vals, results_inds = source_tree.query(all_target_analyses.T, k=self.match_quantity, p=2) if len(results_vals.shape) < 2: results_vals = np.array([results_vals]).T results_inds = np.array([results_inds]).T vals_append = np.append(match_vals, results_vals, axis=1) vals_sort = np.argsort(vals_append) inds_append = np.append(match_indexes, results_inds+source_sample_indexes[sind][0], axis=1) m = np.arange(len(vals_append))[:, np.newaxis] best_match_inds = inds_append[m, vals_sort] match_indexes = best_match_inds[:, :self.match_quantity] best_match_vals = vals_append[m, vals_sort] match_vals = best_match_vals[:, :self.match_quantity] match_grain_inds = self.calculate_db_inds(match_indexes, source_sample_indexes) datafile_path = ''.join(("match/", try:[datafile_path] = match_grain_inds[datafile_path].attrs["grain_size"] = grain_size[datafile_path].attrs["overlap"] = overlap except RuntimeError as err: raise RuntimeError("Match data couldn't be written to HDF5 " "file.\n Match data may already exist in the " "file.\n Try running with the '--rematch' flag " "to overwrite this data.\n Original error: " "{0}".format(err)) def brute_force_matcher(self, grain_size, overlap): '''Searches for matches to each grain by brute force comparison''' # Count grains of the source database source_sample_indexes = self.count_grains(self.source_db, grain_size, overlap) try:"match") except ValueError: self.logger.debug("Match group already exists in the {0} HDF5 file.".format(self.output_db)) if self.rematch:["match"].clear() if self.config: weightings = self.config.matcher_weightings else: weightings = {x: 1. for x in self.matcher_analyses} for tind, target_entry in enumerate(self.target_db.analysed_audio): # Check if match data already exists and use it rather than # regenerating if it does. if in["match"].keys():"Match data already exists for {0}. Using this " "data. Run with the \'--rematch\' flag to " "overwrite.".format(self.output_db)) continue # Create an array of grain times for target sample target_times = target_entry.generate_grain_times(grain_size, overlap, save_times=True) # Allocate memory for storing accumulated distances between # source and target grains x_size = target_times.shape[0] y_size = int(source_sample_indexes[-1][-1]) chunk_size = 8192 try: del["data_distance"] except KeyError: pass"data_distance", (x_size, y_size), dtype=np.float, chunks=True) try: del["distance_accum"] except KeyError: pass"distance_accum", (x_size, y_size), dtype=np.float, chunks=True, fillvalue=0) for analysis in self.matcher_analyses:"Current analysis: {0}".format(analysis)) analysis_formatting = self.analysis_dict[analysis] # Get data for all target grains for each analysis target_data, s = target_entry.analysis_data_grains(target_times, analysis, format=analysis_formatting) data_max = 0. for sind, source_entry in enumerate(self.source_db.analysed_audio): # Get the start and end array indexes allocated for the # current entry's grains. start_index, end_index = source_sample_indexes[sind] # Create an array of grain times for source sample source_times = source_entry.generate_grain_times(grain_size, overlap, save_times=True)"Matching \"{0}\" for: {1} to {2}".format(analysis,, # Get data for all source grains for each analysis source_data, s = source_entry.analysis_data_grains(source_times, analysis, format=analysis_formatting) source_entry.close() # Calculate the euclidean distance between the source and # source values of each grain and add to array a = self.distance_calc(target_data, source_data)["data_distance"][:, int(start_index):int(end_index)] = a a_max = np.max(a) if a_max > data_max: data_max = a_max # Normalize and weight the distances. A higher weighting gives # an analysis presedence over others. i = 0 membuff = np.zeros((chunk_size, chunk_size)) membuff2 = np.zeros((chunk_size, chunk_size)) while i < x_size: j = chunk_size if i+j > x_size: j = x_size - i k = 0 while k < y_size: l = chunk_size if k+l > y_size: l = y_size - k"Calculating weighted " "distances:\nSource chunk {0} - {1} of " "{2}\nTarget chunk {3} - {4} of " "{5}".format( i, i+j, x_size, k, k+l, y_size ))["data_distance"].read_direct(membuff, np.s_[i:i+j, k:k+l], np.s_[0:j, 0:l])["distance_accum"].read_direct(membuff2, np.s_[i:i+j, k:k+l], np.s_[0:j, 0:l]) weighted_mem = membuff[0:j, 0:l] * (1/data_max) * weightings[analysis]["data_distance"][i:i+j, k:k+l] = weighted_mem["distance_accum"][i:i+j, k:k+l] = membuff2[0:j, 0:l] + weighted_mem k += chunk_size i += chunk_size"Calculating the closest {0} overall matches...". format(self.match_quantity)) i = 0 # Allocate memory for storing chunks. chunk_vals = np.zeros((chunk_size, chunk_size)) chunk_inds = np.tile(np.arange(chunk_size), (chunk_size, 1)) # Allocate memory for storing the best matches for each target # grain match_indexes = np.empty((x_size, self.match_quantity)) match_indexes.fill(np.nan) # Allocate memory for storing the match distance of these grains. match_vals = np.empty((x_size, self.match_quantity)) match_vals.fill(np.inf) while i < x_size: j = chunk_size if i+j > x_size: j = x_size - i k = 0 while k < y_size: l = chunk_size if k+l > y_size: l = y_size - k"Calculating best overall " "matches:\nSource chunk {0} - {1} of " "{2}\nTarget chunk {3} - {4} of " "{5}".format( i, i+j, x_size, k, k+l, y_size )) # Read the current chunk to memory["distance_accum"].read_direct(chunk_vals, np.s_[i:i+j, k:k+l], np.s_[0:j, 0:l]) # Append the chunk distances to the best matches so far. vals_append = np.append(match_vals[i:i+j], chunk_vals[i:i+j], axis=1) c_inds = chunk_inds[0:j] + i m = np.arange(len(vals_append))[:, np.newaxis] # Sort all values to intergrate new chunk distances with # previous best matches. vals_sort = np.argsort(vals_append, axis=1) inds_append = np.append(match_indexes[i:i+j], c_inds, axis=1) best_match_inds = inds_append[m, vals_sort] match_indexes[i:i+j] = best_match_inds[:, :self.match_quantity] best_match_vals = vals_append[m, vals_sort] match_vals[i:i+j] = best_match_vals[:, :self.match_quantity] k += chunk_size i += chunk_size match_grain_inds = self.calculate_db_inds(match_indexes, source_sample_indexes) # Generate the path to the data group that will store the match # data in the HDF5 file. datafile_path = ''.join(("match/", try:[datafile_path] = match_grain_inds[datafile_path].attrs["grain_size"] = grain_size[datafile_path].attrs["overlap"] = overlap except RuntimeError as err: raise RuntimeError("Match data couldn't be written to HDF5 " "file.\n Match data may already exist in the " "file.\n Try running with the '--rematch' flag " "to overwrite this data.\n Original error: " "{0}".format(err)) def distance_calc(self, data1, data2): """ Calculates the euclidean distance between two arrays of data. Distance is calculated with special handeling of Nan values, if they exist in the data. A Nan value matched to another Nan value is classed as a perfect match. a Nan matched to any other value is calculated as the furthest match + 10% """ # Find all numbers that aren't Nan, inf, None etc... data1_finite_inds = np.isfinite(data1) data2_finite_inds = np.isfinite(data2) # Find all special numbers data1_other_inds = data1_finite_inds == False data2_other_inds = data2_finite_inds == False # Calculate euclidean distances between the two data arrays. distances = np.abs(np.vstack(data1)-data2)**2 # Find the largest non-Nan distance # If all values ar nan then skip this. if distances[np.isfinite(distances)].size: largest_distance = np.max(distances[np.isfinite(distances)]) else: largest_distance = 1. # Find grains where both the source and target values are Nan. nan_intersects = np.vstack(data1_other_inds) & data2_other_inds # Set these grain's distances to 0 as they match. distances[nan_intersects] = 0. distances[np.isnan(distances)] = largest_distance + (largest_distance*0.1) return distances def calculate_db_inds(self, match_indexes, source_sample_indexes): """ Generate the database sample index and grain index for each match based on their indexes generated from the concatenated matching Output array will be a 3 dimensional array with an axis for each target grain, a dimension for each match of said grain and a dimension containing database sample index and the sample's grain index. """ # source_sample_indexes = source_sample_indexes[source_sample_indexes[:, 1] != 0.] mi_shape = match_indexes.shape x = match_indexes.flatten() # Find indexes within the range of each source sample index. x = np.logical_and( np.vstack(x)>=source_sample_indexes[:,0], np.vstack(x)<=source_sample_indexes[:,1] ) if not np.all(np.any(x, axis=1)): raise ValueError("Not all match indexes have a corresponding sample index. This shouldn't happen...\n" "Check that all database path arguments are correct then try re-running with the --rematch and --reanalyse flags.\n" "If this does'nt work, delete the audio and data directories in all databases and try again...") x = x.reshape(mi_shape[0], mi_shape[1], x.shape[1]) x = np.argmax(x, axis=2) # Calculate sample index in database match_start_inds = source_sample_indexes[x.flatten(), 0].reshape(mi_shape) # Calculate grain index offset from the start of the sample match_grain_inds = match_indexes.reshape(mi_shape) - match_start_inds return np.dstack((x, match_grain_inds)).astype(int) def swap_databases(self): """Convenience method to swap databases, changing the source database into the target and vice-versa""" self.source_db, self.target_db = self.target_db, self.source_db
[docs]class Synthesizer:
"""An object used for synthesizing output based on grain matching.""" def __init__(self, database1, database2, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize synthesizer instance""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.Matcher') self.match_db = database1 self.output_db = database2 self.target_db = kwargs.pop("target_db", None) self.config = kwargs.pop("config", None) self.enforce_intensity_bool = self.config.synthesizer["enforce_intensity"] # Key word arguments overwrite config file. self.enforce_intensity_bool = kwargs.pop("enforce_intensity", self.enforce_intensity_bool) if self.enforce_intensity_bool and ("rms" not in self.target_db.analysis_list or "rms" not in self.match_db.analysis_list): raise RuntimeError("BLARGHHH") self.enforce_f0_bool = self.config.synthesizer["enforce_f0"] # Key word arguments overwrite config file. self.enforce_f0_bool = kwargs.pop("enforce_f0", self.enforce_f0_bool) if self.enforce_f0_bool and ("f0" not in self.target_db.analysis_list or "f0" not in self.match_db.analysis_list): raise RuntimeError("F0 enforcement cannot be enabled if both databases do not have F0 analyses.") if self.enforce_intensity: if not self.target_db: raise ValueError("Target database must be provided if rms or F0 enforcement is enabled.") def synthesize(self, grain_size=None, overlap=None): """ Synthesized output from the match data in the output database to create audio in the output database. """ if not grain_size: grain_size = self.config.synthesizer["grain_size"] if not overlap: overlap = self.config.synthesizer["overlap"] jobs = [(i,["match"][i]) for i in["match"]] # TODO: insert error here if there are no jobs. if not jobs: raise RuntimeError("There is no match data to synthesize. The match program may need to be run first.") for job_ind, (name, job) in enumerate(jobs): # Generate output file name/path filename, extension = os.path.splitext(name) output_name = ''.join((filename, '_output', extension)) output_path = os.path.join(self.output_db.subdirs["audio"], output_name) # Create audio file to save output to. output_config = self.config.output_file grain_matches =["match"][name] # Get the grain size and overlap used for analysis. match_grain_size = grain_matches.attrs["grain_size"] match_overlap = grain_matches.attrs["overlap"] _grain_size = grain_size with AudioFile( output_path, "w", samplerate=output_config["samplerate"], format=output_config["format"], channels=output_config["channels"] ) as output: hop_size = (grain_size / overlap) * output.samplerate/1000 _grain_size *= int(output.samplerate / 1000) output_frames = np.zeros(_grain_size*2 + (int(hop_size*len(grain_matches)))) offset = 0 for target_grain_ind, matches in enumerate(grain_matches): # If there are multiple matches, choose a match at random # from available matches. match_index = np.random.randint(matches.shape[0]) match_db_ind, match_grain_ind = matches[match_index] with self.match_db.analysed_audio[match_db_ind] as match_sample:"Synthesizing grain:\n" "Source sample: {0}\n" "Source grain index: {1}\n" "Target output: {2}\n" "Target grain index: {3} out of {4}".format( match_sample, match_grain_ind, output_name, target_grain_ind, len(grain_matches) )) match_sample.generate_grain_times(match_grain_size, match_overlap, save_times=True) # TODO: Make proper fix for grain index offset of 1 try: match_grain = match_sample[match_grain_ind-1] except: pdb.set_trace() if self.enforce_intensity_bool: # Get the target sample from the database target_sample = self.target_db[job_ind] # Calculate garin times for sample to allow for # indexing. target_sample.generate_grain_times(match_grain_size, match_overlap, save_times=True) match_grain = self.enforce_intensity(match_grain, match_sample, match_grain_ind, target_sample, target_grain_ind) if self.enforce_f0_bool: # Get the target sample from the database target_sample = self.target_db[job_ind] # Calculate grain times for sample to allow for # indexing. target_sample.generate_grain_times(match_grain_size, match_overlap, save_times=True) match_grain = self.enforce_pitch(match_grain, match_sample, match_grain_ind, target_sample, target_grain_ind) # Apply hanning window to grain match_grain *= np.hanning(match_grain.size) try: output_frames[offset:offset+match_grain.size] += match_grain except: pdb.set_trace() offset += hop_size # If output normalization is active, normalize output. if self.config.synthesizer["normalize"]: output_frames = (output_frames / np.max(np.abs(output_frames))) * 0.9 output.write_frames(output_frames) def enforce_pitch(self, grain, source_sample, source_grain_ind, target_sample, target_grain_ind): """ Shifts the pitch of the grain by the difference between it's f0 and the f0 of the grain specified. This method will fail if either AnalysedAudioFile object does not have an f0 analysis. """ # Get grain start and finish range to retreive analysis frames from. # TODO: Make proper fix for grain index offset of 1 target_times = target_sample.times[target_grain_ind-1] # Get mean harmonic ratio of f0 frames in time range specified. target_harmonic_ratio = target_sample.analysis_data_grains(target_times, "harm_ratio", format="mean")[0][0] # Get mean of f0 frames in time range specified. target_f0 = target_sample.analysis_data_grains(target_times, "f0", format="median")[0][0] # Get grain start and finish range to retreive analysis frames from. # TODO: Make proper fix for grain index offset of 1 source_times = source_sample.times[source_grain_ind-1] # Get mean harmonic ratio of f0 frames in time range specified. source_harmonic_ratio = source_sample.analysis_data_grains(source_times, "harm_ratio", format="mean")[0][0] hr_array = np.array([source_harmonic_ratio, target_harmonic_ratio]) if np.any(np.isnan(hr_array)): return grain*0 # Get mean of f0 frames in time range specified. source_f0 = source_sample.analysis_data_grains(source_times, "f0", format="median")[0][0] ratio_difference = target_f0 / source_f0 if not np.isfinite(ratio_difference): return grain*0 # If the ratio difference is within the limits ratio_limit = self.config.synthesizer["enf_f0_ratio_limit"] if ratio_difference > ratio_limit: self.logger.warning("Grain f0 ratio too large({0}), enforcing f0 at limit ({1})".format( ratio_difference, ratio_limit, )) ratio_difference = ratio_limit elif ratio_difference < 1./ratio_limit: self.logger.warning("Grain f0 ratio too large ({0}), enforcing f0 at limit ({1})".format( ratio_difference, 1./ratio_limit, )) ratio_difference = 1./ratio_limit grain = pitch_shift.shift(grain, ratio_difference) if ratio_difference > ratio_limit or ratio_difference < 1./ratio_limit: grain *= 0 return grain def enforce_intensity(self, grain, source_sample, source_grain_ind, target_sample, target_grain_ind): """ Scales the amplitude of the grain by the difference between it's intensity and the intensity of the grain specified. This method will fail if either AnalysedAudioFile object does not have any intensity analyses. """ # Get grain start and finish range to retreive analysis frames from. # TODO: Make proper fix for grain index offset of 1 target_times = target_sample.times[target_grain_ind-1] # Get mean of RMS frames in time range specified. target_rms = target_sample.analysis_data_grains(target_times, "rms", format="mean")[0][0] target_peak = target_sample.analysis_data_grains(target_times, "peak", format="mean")[0][0] target_intensity_value = np.mean([target_rms, target_peak]) # Get grain start and finish range to retreive analysis frames from. # TODO: Make proper fix for grain index offset of 1 source_times = source_sample.times[source_grain_ind-1] # Get mean of RMS frames in time range specified. source_rms = source_sample.analysis_data_grains(source_times, "rms", format="mean")[0][0] source_peak = source_sample.analysis_data_grains(source_times, "peak", format="mean")[0][0] source_intensity_value = np.mean([source_rms, source_peak]) ratio_difference = target_intensity_value / source_intensity_value if not np.isfinite(ratio_difference): return grain # If the ratio difference is within the limits ratio_limit = self.config.synthesizer["enf_intensity_ratio_limit"] if ratio_difference > ratio_limit: self.logger.warning( "Grain RMS ratio too large({0}), enforcing RMS at limit ({1})\n".format( ratio_difference, ratio_limit, )) ratio_difference = ratio_limit grain *= ratio_difference return grain def swap_databases(self): """Convenience method to swap databases, changing the source database into the target and vice-versa""" self.match_db, self.output_db = self.output_db, self.match_db